Privacy Policy

The Park Entertainment N.V. (The Park, we, us) processes, collects, holds, uses and discloses personal information in the context of your visit to the Website, your purchase of Tickets and the provision of the Service. Our licensees and franchisees may also collect, be given access to, hold, use and disclose your personal information in these contexts or for these purposes.

We may collect personal information directly from you or from third parties (particularly our licensees and franchisees).

Article 1.1 Information Collected

We and our licensees and franchisees may collect the following personal information from you:

  • When making a booking: First name, last name, email address and phone number.

  • Before participating in our or our licensee’s or franchisee’s activities: First name, last name and email address.

We do not collect payment information as the online payment process is operated by a third party.

Article 1.2 Purposes of the processing of personal information

We and our licensees and franchisees process, collect, hold, use and disclose personal information for the purposes of: performance of our obligations under our agreement; compliance with legal obligations; and to advance the legitimate interests of The Park and its licensees and franchisees. Where it is required by law, we will ask for your consent and inform you how to withdraw any such consent.

The Park collects and holds personal information during your visit to the Website, when purchasing a Ticket online, and on the provision of the Service. Our licensees and franchisees may also collect and hold personal information in these contexts. The information that you provide when purchasing the Service online will be used to process your request and fulfil any agreement made between you and The Park or its licensee or franchisee. The information that relates to your registered profile will be retained in order to process any future orders. The personal information that is requested from you and that is marked with an asterisk (*) is required for the processing of your order. If you do not fill in these mandatory fields, we and our licensees and franchisees will not be able to process your request.

If you give your consent, your e-mail address will be used to inform you about our new products and services and those of our licensees and franchisees. You can object ('opt-out') to this use by The Park for promotional purposes at any time by sending a written request to The Park Entertainment (Vlaamsekaai 30, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium) or by sending an email to: The processing of your opt-out can take a while (max. 72 hours). Your opt-out does not affect the lawfulness of previous processing, collection, storage, use and disclosure. If the relevant promotional use is by our licensee or franchisee you must direct any request to opt-out of that use to the relevant licensee or franchisee.

We do not process or register any financial information (credit card number and expiration date) about you. This information is entered directly on the site of the payment provider, which applies its own policy for the protection of personal information. Connection information (IP address; country; date, time and duration of the connection; pages visited, etc.) will be processed for statistical purposes and to improve the site and our services and those of our licensees and franchisees.

Your personal information is securely stored on the servers of external partners of The Park and its licensees and franchisees (Google) and also (where you consent to cookie use) Facebook and ActiveCampaign. Google’s standard terms and conditions in relation to its compliance with privacy legislation apply. Facebook’s cookies enable it to market our and our licensees’ and franchisees’ services to you for 180 days and ActiveCampaign will email newsletters to you until you unsubscribe.

Article 1.3 Right of access, rectification and deletion

On the basis of a dated and signed written request sent by e-mail to The Park (, any person who confirms his/her identity can receive the personal information we hold about him/her free of charge and in writing, and, where appropriate, can ask for any incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant information to be corrected or deleted.

You can contact us by email ( to exercise any rights you have to inspect, rectify or delete your personal information , limit the processing of it, or object to the processing of it and to exercise any right to information transferability.

Each request for this must be accompanied by a copy of a valid proof of identity, on which you have placed your signature and stated the address where you can be contacted. You will receive a reply to your request within 1 month of the submitted request. Depending on the complexity of the requests and the number of requests, this term can be extended by 2 months, if necessary.

Any request for access, rectification or deletion in relation to personal information held by a licensee or franchisee of ours must be directed to that person.

Article 1.4 Security of the processing of personal information

The Park undertakes to make every effort to protect your personal information, and, in particular, to prevent it from being distorted, damaged or communicated to unauthorised third parties.

We are entitled to disclose your personal information at the request of the authorities in the event of a suspected violation of any law or regulation by you.

Article 1.5 Retention period for the information

The information collected by the information controller is used and stored for the duration that is authorised by law. You may have a number of rights in relation to your personal information by law, including a right to require us to delete your information (as well as to correct errors, limit the ways in which we use it, and provide you with a copy of that information).

Article 1.6 Overseas recipients

The Park is based in Belgium. We have licensees and franchisees in Australia. We may exchange your personal information with those licensees and franchisees. Unless disclosure of your personal information to others is required by law, by court order or to investigate suspected fraud or other unlawful activity, your information will only be seen or used by persons working in or for us, our licensees and franchisees and our business partners. These people may include employed or contracted customer service staff, sales agents, marketing people, insurers, funders, sponsors and advisers. Some of these people may be located in countries outside Australia. We will take reasonable steps to ensure that any overseas recipient will deal with personal information in a way that is consistent with the Australian Privacy Principles.

Article 1.7 Contact

Any question or dispute regarding our collection, processing, storage, use or disclosure of your personal information should be sent by email to the following address: The Park undertakes to comply with this within a short and reasonable period of time.

If you believe The Park has breached applicable privacy laws we invite you to contact us using the contact details included in this policy and we will use best endeavours to resolve your complaint. If The Park is unable to resolve your complaint you may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (website; email

You may also contact us in relation to any question or dispute regarding collection, processing, storage, use or disclosure of your personal information by our licensees or franchisees.

Article 1.8 Permission

By communicating your personal information and making use of the service, you confirm that you have read this privacy policy and that you agree to the processing, collection, storage, use and disclosure of your personal information by The Park and its licensees and franchisees in accordance with it.